How to program 2007 BMW M3 key with Xtool X100 Pad3

A simple guide on how to use Xtool X100 Pad 3 xpad3 to program key for BMW M3 2007 Cas3+.

  • Car model and year: BMW M3 2007
  • Purpose: Key Programming
  • BMW key programmer to use: Xtool X100 Pad 3

Simple Guide:

BMW – auto search and show you what system it has. Manually after the model will also show what kind of system. It’s better to make a copy of the time before making keys after lunch. There is always something to come back to.

Please note that: after obd xpad3 probably will do it too, but it’s better to have a copy in case of failure. Turn on the charger when you’re about to work afternoon.

CAS3 or CAS3+?

Will depend on what region or country you are in. You should try determining exactly which CAS either 3 or 3+ Either way. Much safer to remove CAS and program on bench

To avoid Bricking CAS module.

2007 can easily be Cas3+

If you attempt via OBD2 you will have a good chance to brick the CAS module

ALWAYS do these on bench.

The extra 10 minutes is well worth the 5+ hours to recover the CAS module.

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